Wednesday, January 16, 2013

theological hour

Sorry for the long break, I didn't really post over Christmas at all because I was too busy reading by the fire and laughing around the stainless steel kitchen table with my family. So here are a few nice things about my past month, and then a bit of ponderance.

1. I read all of the Percy Jackson/ Olympians series over break, and love loved them.
2. Went to San Francisco with my family and grandparents for the weekend, stayed at the beautiful and historic Mark Hopkins hotel at the top of the hill, enjoyed walking around in driving rain and delicious pizza at Zero Zero.
3. I have started swimming again, and doing my push-ups (up to 4 real ones) and it feels wonderful.
4. I applied to work at camp this summer.
5. Canon Andrew White, the Vicar of Baghdad, and one of my heroes, came to speak at Mennonite Meal (where I spend my Tuesday evenings at the home of two professors who cook every week for whomever wants to come and listen to guests speak about peace, global issues, and perseverance) last night - and I shook his hand! He also spoke at chapel today, which you can watch or listen to here. "Don't take care, take risks." I was astounded by his sense of humor, his sense of peace and provision.

I think I am going to audit Religion and the Middle East now.

Painting by Clare Elsaesser, so lovely!

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