Friday, February 10, 2012

the look of february

For me, this winter has been style-defined by my coats. I've been wearing the giant black "raisin-coat" of down that I wear on the coldest days, and my too-big, boxy navy wool pea coat a ton because I can layer everything in the world under them, throw on a tall pair of boots and go.  But then I have my camel toggle-coat (the St. Elmo's Fire coat) and rusty plaid Pendleton that are so very cozy, too. I think the best thing about a really big coat is that it doesn't matter what you wear under it. So here, then, is my list of wear-it-every-week winter paraphernalia.

1) The obnoxiously oversized scarf. (See bottom photo). So big that it doesn't matter if your chin looks fat today. So big that you can wear yesterday's shirt. So big that all anyone sees of you is your eyes. I made mine by sewing two giant print pashminas together. THAT BIG.

2) Tall, colored rainboots (see second-to-last photo). Worn with knee socks, in shades of red, green, navy or even pink. On a day like today (it is snowing dinner plates) they are indispensable).

3) Oversized cashmere sweaters. Don't have to explain this one.

4) The lightweight waterproof trench/duffel coat (see top photo) sometimes I want to wear a warm sweater and I am sick of heavy coats. And it has rained and sleeted a lot this winter. So use a GIANT scarf and a GIANT cashmere or wool sweater and a throw on a thin coat. Voila!

5) Plaid and striped men's Oxford shirts. Worn with everything. Everything!

photos courtesy of (which I know is like saying "photo courtesy of google" but I am lazy right now by the fire, so just know they aren't mine. In fact, they probably came from other blogs similar to mine. Check the list below if you need a new fashion blog).

The Clothes Horse
Musings in Femininity
The Locals


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