Monday, October 14, 2013

little good bye post.

I am finally taking the initiative and narrowing down the pages that I have online. Since my favorite posts to do (and I think the most successfully creative) were the sketch-of-the-week, even though I NEVER got around to doing one every week, I have started a new blog that will just be sketches - the goal is (drumroll)
daily. Five per week. Whichever comes first.

This has been a good exercise in writing, and thinking, and experimenting with graphic design, and I am happy that a few people have also really enjoyed reading it along the way.

If you miss me, come see my drawings at

I, personally, think that they are quite fun.

Bon nuit, petite bloggy.

Me, in 2010, back when the blog was new.
Sad note: like this blog, Chicago's Fox & Obel grocery, deli and
restaurant are going out of business! Travesty.

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