Friday, September 28, 2012

sort-of fashion post no. 18

I dragged my two winter suitcases out from behind the bed last night, flopped everything in a pile on my floor, and tried to sort through. The coats needed to be hung up (I filled a few pockets with lavender to freshen everything up) in our coat closet, some of the scarves needed to be given away, gloves found their buddies, and I had do decide how I could stack a pile of thick wool sweaters in my already perilous upper-shelves.

I know, I know, it is hardly even October, but I had just patted myself on the back for getting rid of some things and having such a tidy, simplified closet. Then I remembered... I have three more suitcases of winter-y things. And, eventually, it will get colder. It is always better to get things out and have them tidy and ready then wake up one morning to sleet and find yourself without a coat in the vacinity.

That's right, yes, one suitcase is still unpacked in basement storage. But still.

The thing is, I get easily overwhelmed with STUFF, and am forever trying to simplify. I'm getting better at thrifting practical, sturdy things instead of wild floor-length ballgowns. And I finally gave away a few pairs of shoes that I have been holding on to for years but never wear. And of course there is the tickling in the back of my mind that says "you are moving in December to somewhere else on campus, and then moving in May to somewhere far away. do you need all this?" And everyone has so much of it! I thought my roommate Liz, who is a lovely guru type of girl, would only own a small handful of practical, organic inter-matcheable items like some sort of closet savante. But no! She has as much stuff as I do, just a different style!

So. I have mostly unpacked to prepare for the coming chill of Autumn. Which I love. Sometimes I wish someone with really simple, great style would come and just clean out my closet when I am gone, getting read of everything they think is ridiculous or out of character with my regular style. Then I wouldn't know what I was missing!

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