Monday, June 18, 2012

2 boiled eggs and 2 apple tarts

"Thursday March 4. Before we had quite finished breakfast Calvert's man brought the horses for Wm. We had a deal to do to shave - pens to make - poems to put in order for writing, to settle the dress pack up &c&. The man came before the pens were made & he was obliged to leave me with only two - Since he has left me (at 1/2 past 11) it is now 2. I have been putting the Drawers in order, laid by his clothes which we had thrown here & there & everywhere, filed two months' newspapers & got my diner 2 boiled eggs & 2 apple tarts. I have set Molly on to clear the garden a little, & I myself have helped. I transplanted some snowdrops - The Bees are busy - Wm has a nice bright day. It was a hard frost in the night - The Robins are singing sweetly - Now for my walk. I will be busy, I will look well & be well when he comes back to me. O the Darling! Here is one of his bitten apples! I can hardly find it in my heart to throw it into the fire. I must wash myself,  then off - I walked round the two Lakes crossed the stepping stones at Rydale Foot. Sate down where we always sit. I was full of thoughts about my darling. Blessings on him."
.The Grasmere Journals. Dorothy Wordsworth

Did you notice how she abbreviates William?
Did you notice the way she uses dashes - to indicate a time lapse?
That, to me, is the sweetest little journal-turned-love-poetry I have read. Can't you think of Dorothy, holding a bitten apple discarded by the fire, sighing?

photograph courtesy of

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