Thursday, June 2, 2011

paper hats for rainy days

We have had a fire in our fireplace for the past few days, and made good use of the extra newsprint laying around. My dad found the copy of Gerard Durrell's My Family and Other Animals that I gave him several Christmases ago and I am re-reading it. I would highly recommend it for rainy day or travel reading, as it is all I can do not to buy a plane ticket to Greece this morning. It's well worth owning, and you can find it here.

"July had been blown out like a candle by a biting wind that ushered in a leaden August sky. A sharp, stinging drizzle fell, billowing into opaque grey sheets when the wind caught it. Along the Bournemouth sea-front the beach huts turned blank wooden faces towards a greeny-grey, froth-chained sea that leaped eagerly at the cement bulwark of the shore. The gulls had been tumbled inland over the town, and they now drifted above the house-tops on taut wings, whining peevishly. It was the sort of weather calculated to try anyone's endurance." p. 3

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