Monday, July 5, 2010

Princess Story Time and Pool Parties

I got to sleep in until 10 today (victory!!!) because Mindy and Cregan didn't have work. They have just bought an 8 foot collapsable pool for their back yard, which is great because it is 99 degrees out today. We went to the park this morning but it was too hot to stay long, and everyone else must have thought so too because the playground was deserted. So we instead spent four hours sitting in the backyard pool, and Naomi gave my face and hair a "spa treatment" that left me very refreshed.
It is now the hour of quiet time that they get every day after lunch-ish and wherein they may play separately or together in there room, or just lay on their beds, as long as they are QUIET. It is good down time for all of us. I am going to re-attempt to see Eclipse tonight at the theater on 14th street, because it just didn't happen this weekend and I am desperate to see it. Although it would be more fun with my darling friends . . .
The picture is of my street in Hoboken, my cozy little room and of crazy Naomi twirling outside. Tomorrow morning I'll bake blueberry scones and we are planning on a bike ride along the river, but who knows what will actually happen.
Oh! And I almost forgot about the title of this post! Nomes (Naomi's ever-present and slightly unfortunate nickname) just went back to her bed after sitting by me and dictating two beautiful and hysterical princess stories to me and informing me to "make SURE you send them to someone". So here they are:
Once upon a time there lived a lovely little princess. Her name was Belle. And she had a ver;y wicked stepmother. That's all there is. And she had shiny shoes. Actually, her name was Isabelle in this story. She was in a forest and she had nowhere to live, and she saw a little house and she went there. Dwarf came home. And it's a Snow White story, and she woke up and the prince was there! And they lived happily every after. The end.
Once upon a time there were four mermaids. Their names were Isabelle, Snow White, Belle. That's only three. And Ariel. They look like someone . . . someone . . . like a queen. They have sparkly tails. They have jewels, and they have flowers beside their ears. They have beautiful shells that are red white and blue. Their tails are the color of the rainbow. Their hair is all pink and her hair is in a ponytail and her hair is all beautiful. Nothing happened. The end.
Made my day.
Kisses from the East Coast!!!

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